Ordering and shipping information
1. The collages will be sold only to salons, spas, beauty schools and advanced
academies for decorative or inspirational purposes. They are not available
to individual hairdressers.
2. We ship only to salons; no shipments will be made to residential addresses or P.O. boxes.
3. We only accept major credit cards. Checks and money orders
will not be accepted.
4. Collages can be purchased online only.
5. Delivery will take 2 to 4 weeks, to allow time to customize,
print, matte, frame, pack and ship each collage. Because we
are a small and personal operation run by a hairdresser, delivery
may take longer than for average online shopping sites.
6. U.S. customers will receive their collages matted and framed,
and are ready-to-hang. To reduce shipping costs, overseas
customers will receive collages without matting or frames. Therefore,
prices for international customers are approximately 25% less
than they are for domestic customers.
7. Overseas-Collages Shop is for all of the overseas customers
to place order, while Domestic-Collages
Shop is for all of
the U.S. mainland customers.
8. Buyers who purchase 4 or more collages in one order (domestic
or overseas) will receive a 25% discount.
9. Prices include tax, shipping and handling.
10. All of the collages are under the protection of Federal
and international copyright law; any unauthorized duplication,
use, or manipulation in any shape or form is strictly prohibited.